I have been working in ABA autism education in Japan for over 10 years.
I have a blog and it is currently about 300 pages.
If there is anyone around who can read Japanese, please come and read my blog.

Illustration says “Let’s do something together” in Japanese.

This text has been translated using an application and may not be accurate in language.
I started selling a picture book called Circle, Square, Triangle on Amazon!
↓Amazon link
It’s a picture book without words.
Supporters use a variety of readings when the child is studying.
The video below is a sample.
(1)There is no “Sample & サンプル” in the purchased items.
(2)It is also available on “Kindle Unlimited” as of 2024.
(3)Purchases are not videos, but scrolling pages.
What is the mainstream ABA education for children with developmental disabilities in your country?
EIBI:Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention?
I have the image of EIBI mainly using DTT(Discrete Trial Teaching).
NBI:Naturalistic Behavioral Interventions ?
I have an image of NBI as having PRT, ESDM, JASPER, etc.
※「PRT:Pivotal Response Treatment」、「ESDM:Early Start DENVER Model」、「JASPER:joint attention symbolic play engagement and regulation」
This picture book can be used during DTT.
I would like this picture book to be used in DTT’s Reception and Expression task.
How do we use picture books?

The task of “listening to the questions” is one of the more difficult tasks I have had to accomplish with autistic children.
For example, show the child a red circle.
And “what color?” I ask.
The child may then say “Circle” and make a mistake.
I asked for the color, but the child answers with the shape.
I have had this experience teaching children.
How about you guys?
The picture book shows “red”, “yellow”, and “blue” patterns of “circle”, “square”, and “triangle” shapes.

In the Expression task, for example, we show a “red circle” and ask, “What color is it?” or “What is its shape?” and answer correctly.
Prompt when a child makes a mistake.
For example, show them a “red circle” and ask, “What color?” I asked.
What if a child says “square”?
Teach them, “red.”
“What is its shape?”I asked.
What if a child says “red”?
Teach them, “square.”

If a square is more correct than a rectangle, please let me know there.
What if you could predict before the task that the child would make a mistake?
What if the child will probably ask for the “color” but answer for the “shape”?
”What color? Red”
Ask a question and immediately give a hint(prompt) of the answer.
”What color? Re..”
”What color? R..”
The supporter gradually goes with fewer and fewer hints(prompt).
This process is known as prompt fading.
Let’s also look at an example of an Reception task.
There are several pages in the picture book with three item: “circle,” “square,” and “triangle”.
The supporter asks, “Which one is red?” and the child touches the red item.
The supporter asks, “Which one is the triangle?” and the child touches the triangular item.

What if it is difficult?
For example, when the supporter asks, “Which is the yellow triangle?” the child touches the yellow triangle.
The supporter includes both “color” and “shape” elements in the instructions, and the child selects the yellow triangle.

What if it is even more difficult?
For example, use a page in a picture book that depicts one item.
For example, use “red circles”.
The supporter instructs, “Touch the red circle,” and the child touches the red circle.
For example, generalization task can be done using picture cards.
You can download the PDF from the URL page.
Free downloads are available.
It is also a good idea to use picture books as a generalization task after practicing with picture card materials.
Thanks for reading my blog to the end.
If you are interested in the materials I mentioned, please check them out on Amazon.
My pen name is En Sensei.
I am working in Japan.
Thank you for your continued support.